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¿Looking for Friends?


Here we show you the persons of our club "Looking for Friends" in


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Listing of Women: Spain.


Number: D-013
Nick /Name: Asiram
Age: 53
Profession / Activity : Professor of primary education
Hobbys: "Excursions, the reading, the sea, the poetry, and the interchange of professional experiences. "
Language: Spanish

Description of herself: "I am looking persons by interchange of professional experiences. Although i don´t have disadventage i would prefer have contact with females friends."


Number: D-016
Nick /Name: Isolda
Age: 51
Profession / Activity : Professor
Hobbys: The music, yoga, the languages and to travell.
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese.
Description of herself: " I am an open person whom look for to share other points of view "

Characteristic that Seeks in a Friendship: " I want to meet Portuguese to interchange e-mails, opinions; and to share the Portuguese and Spanish culture: Literature, music, etc"


Number: D-031
Nick /Name: Estrella50
Age: 50
Profession / Activity : Professor of language of deaf people
Hobbys: "Reading, computer science, to travel, music, to take a walk, the healthy life."
Language: Spanish

Description of herself: " I am deaf. I am a good person, sincere, friend of my friends, affectionate "

Characteristic that Seeks in a Friendship: "In friends i am looking that they are true, lasting, of good feelings. I want persons of 42 to 51 years, and Spain "


Number: D-044
Nick /Name: Ardid
Age: 24
Profession / Activity : Tourism
Sports: "All the sports that allow me to move away from the city"
Hobbys: "I appreciate the moments of tranquillity that allow me to think . I like the reading; and about music and movies i don´t like the comercial things"
Language: Spanish.

Description of herself: " I am a faithful, comprehensive and sincere person. I like to listen people. I have very intellectual restlessness and a great sense of the friendship"

Characteristic that Seeks in a Friendship: " Sincerity and understanding. I look open and peculair people that motivate to me intellectually. Vital and anxious. Respectful and humble with the world"


Number: D-053
Nick /Name: Angira
Age: 38
Profession / Activity : Economist
Sports: "Swimming, i play also chess (but not verey well)"
Hobbys: "To take a walk by the beach when there are few people, to read, to listen music "
Language: I speak Spanish and just a little of English, but I have many dictionaries.

Description of herself: " I am been widow since 1 year. I have 2 daughters (18 and 2 years) I love the animals, and the Harleys.

Characteristic that Seeks in a Friendship: "I am looking for people for a good friendship, men or women. , I do not look for pair, i only want complicity and healthy friendship "



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