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¿Looking for Friends?
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Conditions and Recommendations for the Service.
This section of Europanas has the intention of collaborate with those people who wish to settle down a friendship relation, with other people that live anywhere of Latin America or Europe. He is advisable to clarify from the beginning that this site is not a date service. We looked whit this service is, in a serious and respectful way, to help to who wishes it, to contact to others persons with points of view and compatible tastes.
1) The service is gratuitous.
2) The user of the service must be greater of 18 years.
3) With the purpose of avoiding unsuitable conducts and that our users receive communications of people with whom they do not share affinities, the inscription in the service is not allowed of direct form, that is to say, the users cannot directly place their data in site.
4)In order to enter to the service, the user must write us to the direction: webadministrador@europanas.com, with the subject : Join Looking Friends.
5) In this email the user must indicate to us:
Nick (Alias Name)
Country |
Sex (Woman or Man) |
Profession or Activity
Hobbies |
Favorite Sports
A Brief Description of his or her person |
Characteristics that You look for in
a Friendship
Some Data or Additional Interest |
If the user want can send us a Foto.
6) Once received this email, Europanas will send to the user an email to confirm his or her affiliation.
7) The data of the the user will be including in the Europanas data base, and will be published in a nongreater lapse of thirty (30) days in site Europanas.com.
8) Europanas will publish the data provided by the user, reserving itself the right to publish the information.
9) When a user wishes to modify or to add some data, a must write us to: webadministrador@europanas.com, with the suject: Looking for Friends. To modify Informatión
10) The email of the user will not be published in site. When some user wants to contact to another member of the service, must write us to: webadministrador@europanas.com, Subject: Looking for Friends Contact; and the number of the user. (To each user Europanas will assigned a record number)
11) Europanas will contact the asked user and only when this one accedes to the request, Europanas will interchange them email, so that they can communicate directly.
12) Once settled down the communication between the users, Europanas, person in charge does not become of the information that these can share among them.
13) Europanas is committed not to provide or to sell to third, the electronic directions of the users of the service. The privacy is guaranteed.
14) If some user commits abuse, placing false or unsuitable information, or bothering other users, he will be removed permanently and its IP will be investigated to try to avoid that it bothers to other sites/users.
15) When a user is object of abuse on the part of some other can write us to: webadministrador@europanas.com, Subject: Report of abuse, and to indicate the record number of the usuary.
16) The user can be retired of the service when it desires.
17) Europanas reserves the users admission right.
As users of the Internet that ourselves are, the integrantes of Europanas desire to give you some recommendations that should take into account when you enter to this or to any another site/programs of communication in the Network.
1)Perhaps can seem yto you a little complicated the procedure of Europanas, but we only seek to lend a service, serious and different. The equipment tries to avoid to its users the molestias that they can arise, in a site where the publication of information is direct and without prior control. On the other hand, this process permits us "to filter" the information and thus we avoid also to saturate our base of data with useless information.
2) Lamentably exist persons that only want to be entertained or to be mocked, being taking advantage of the desires of friendship or communication of other. Here in Europanas, will try to detect these persons, but is impossible to control all. In view of this, we suggest you that NOT you supply personal data as your Complete Name, Adresse, Telephone Number Addresse of the Job, Credit Card Number, or any another, that to your judgment, can give place, to that other persons carry out actions that can damage you.
3) We suggest you, that to enter instead of your name, you utilize a Nick, or key name, and only when sit down in confidence with someone especially, are able interchange more information but remembers that your protection is in your hands
4) It is recommendable NOT to utilize the e-mail of your business for this type of services. It is preferably to utilize an extra mail direction, that to can stop utilizing and to cancel when someone bother you, or when not you want more the service. Thus you will avoid possible problems in the job and to continue receiving information when do not desire it.
5) If you have some question or suggestion to improve the service please communicate you with us to our direction: webadministrador@europanas.com, and we will be pleasant of attending you.
Attentively .
The Webmaster.
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Copyright. 2001 -2003
http:// www.europanas.com